Keywords: controlling, information support, information system, accounting support, accounting information, data exchange, management decisions, business processes


The article examines the issues of information and accounting support of controlling at the enterprise, the completeness and reliability of which affects the process of management decisions making and ensuring the efficiency of the enterprise. The degree of research of the outlined topic by scientists is determined. It is determined that the existence of an effective controlling system in the management system can affect the quality of accounting information, the completeness of documentation of business transactions and the safety / rational use of enterprise assets. The place of accounting information in the information support of controlling is substantiated. On the basis of accounting information, an information base is created for market development and evaluation of the efficiency of enterprises. The importance of operational data exchange in management activity is determined. An important aspect is how the information will be received to the management system of the enterprise. It is proved that controlling must respond to even the smallest changes in the enterprise system, ie receive actual information, promptly intervene in processes that threaten the mission of the enterprise or its functions, to identify and mitigate the impact of negative trends. The relationship between information flows and accounting information in assessing the quality of management decisions as the main result of managers is drawn up. Information systems accelerate the receipt of relevant, up-to-date information, which affects the speed and quality of the management process. It should be taken into account that the information system implemented in the enterprise must to be clear to managers at different levels and different subsystems. The essence of the information flows system of controlling information support is investigated. The components of controlling information support are determined. The problems of creating a common accounting and information space of controlling are determined. Accounting should be the tool that can increase the efficiency of management and financial condition of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Bieliaieva, N. (2021). PROBLEMS OF THE CONTROLLING INFORMATION AND ACCOUNTING SUPPORT AT THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (17), 30-34.
Economics and business management