Keywords: public debt, public borrowing, public debt management, management system, debt policy


The government debt is an integral part of the financial and economic system of any country. If it is used effectively, it acts as an additional resource for the national economy development. However, if it is used inefficiently, it becomes a heavy burden for the budget and, as a result, for the citizens of the country. It is about the effectiveness of government borrowing management that influence whether a government credit will become the means of economic growth or the burden on the country's budget. The article reviews the scientific approaches to the interpretation of "Public Debt Management" concept. Based on the theoretical research, it is determined that the government borrowing management is a set of tactical and strategic measures. These are aimed at attracting and distributing borrowed funds that are necessary for the state to ensure economic growth, repay and service loans, determine the conditions for issuing government securities, regulate the government borrowing market and control their targeted and effective usage. It is noted that the public debt management system consists of such elements as the object and subject of management, the scope of management, debt policy, and debt mechanism, accounting and monitoring system. The five stages of public debt management were defined and characterized: determining the feasibility of government borrowing; attracting government borrowing; using attracted resources, assessing debt risks; optimizing public debt servicing and repayment. There are three main models of the institutional support for government borrowing management; as agreed between the parties when deciding on the application of management method, all the methods of public debt management are divided into two groups: administrative and market. The directions of effective debt policy were outlined and the principles that should be followed when managing government borrowing were indicated. The main factors to increase the level of public debt of Ukraine during 2015-2020 were highlighted. The conclusions were formed and the problems of the further scientific researches were outlined.


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How to Cite
Economics and national economy management