In conditions when in Ukraine, simultaneously with the growth of the poverty level of the population, the tariffs of enterprises generating, transporting and supplying heat energy, providing heating services for residential buildings and hot water supply in the market of centralized heat supply (first of all, utilities), and at the same time the communal infrastructure is worn out and is ineffective, which leads to a low quality of service, significant energy losses and maintenance costs, is practically significant and requires the development of a modeling task based on graph theory and analysis of networks, which have confirmed their effectiveness in other types of economic activity, a district heating system in Ukraine with the aim of reducing the level of energy losses in networks and ensuring controllability, reliability, safety and efficiency of heat supply. The article is devoted to a review, systematization and analysis of mathematical programming methods and other systematic calculation methods for cases of linear and nonlinear relationship between time and costs, allowing to determine the curve of minimum costs for any possible value of the duration of the project to modernize the district heating system in order to increase its energy efficiency, create new jobs at the municipal level in the context of decentralization reform, economic improvement, and the attraction and development of renewable energy sources. Adaptation of economic and mathematical models, methods of planning and network management theory to the practice of effective planning and management of modernization, reconstruction and replacement of technological equipment of heat points and heating networks of heat power enterprises in order to reduce costs in the production, transmission and distribution of heat energy for the implementation of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for period up to 2035, as well as the use of appropriate software, such as Project Standard, Open Plan, Primavera Project Planner, SureTrak Project Manager and others, will help generate invariants of management decisions concerning works that are significant in terms of volume, cost and time.
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