The management of Ukrainian enterprises faces significant cultural risks and communication barriers. In this regard, conflict management in the workforce is a topic of increased attention not only in management theory but also in management practice in general. Today, when the national economy is in the process of radical reform, conflict management is of interest to many researchers. Effective conflict management, in fact, means work on performance management. The problems of organizational conflicts remain underdeveloped, as most authors study it indirectly, solving other research problems. The aim of the study is to generalize theoretical and methodological provisions of the emergence and resolution of organizational conflicts in the workforce. The article specifies that condition to overcome economic crisis for many enterprises is a constructive approach to managing conflict interaction, as a conflict itself is inherent for any organization. A constructive approach to conflict resolution allows to relieve emotional tension, bring the conflicting parties together, increase productivity, stimulate organizational change, strengthen mutual trust and tolerance of employees toward one another. Conflict management in the workforce, according to the author, is a process of transformation of conflict plane with the easing hotbed of tension, exclusion of the possibility of further deterioration, including destructive consequences. It is a specific type of management activity, which is a part of personnel management, aimed at eliminating the possible causes of conflict situations. The article reviews the specific causes and basic components of organizational conflicts. The methodology of conflict management is considered. Preventive measures within the organizational environment are proposed in order to reduce the level of conflicts in organizations. The study has found that any organization can be subject to different types of conflicts depending on the level of corporate culture, the size of organization, personal characteristics of managers and employees.
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