The article is devoted to development of theoretical and methodological foundations bankruptcy prevention of domestic enterprises and develop practical recommendations to avoid fraudulent bankruptcy. At the heart of this research is the analysis of the concepts of "bankruptcy" and "fictitious bankruptcy," its causes and development of measures to avoid the fraudulent bankruptcy of domestic enterprises. The object of the research is the process of bankruptcy and identify the necessary provisions to prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon, the subject of study is the set of theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to developing measures to prevent bankruptcy. Theoretical and methodological basis of research work leading up domestic and foreign scientists. The main attention is given to research of the authors was the legislation, including the Law of Ukraine "On restoration of solvency or bankruptcy." In the study conducted was used analytical method by which the analysis carried out measures to prevent bankruptcy and investigated the nature categories of "bankruptcy" and "fictitious bankruptcy." Based on the method of abstraction was set for some major causes that put lead the company to bankruptcy. In addition, the author has been used a systematic approach and a statistical method. Also in the process of studying the issue of fictitious bankruptcy historical approach was used to analyze the causes of this phenomenon. In this work the economic substance of the term "bankruptcy" as one of the key financial categories that reflect the financial and economic situation of the entity. The practical significance of the work lies in providing recommendations to reduce the incidence of fraudulent bankruptcy in Ukraine. The author made systematization and generalization ways of preventing fraudulent bankruptcy, namely the protection of creditors' rights, the reduction of the bankruptcy proceedings, debtors the right to obtain loans, empowering public authorities. Determined that an important role in improving the process of preventing fraudulent bankruptcy it plays a more strict regulation of the process. Based on the research provided a number of practical recommendations for the prevention of fraudulent bankruptcy. Thus, the article is of practical importance for Ukraine.
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