• Fato Sharoian Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: diversification strategy, international markets, strategic analysis of diversification, integration processes, size of business


The problems of formation of strategy of diversification of enterprises in the international markets taking into account modern tendencies and principles are investigated. The main reasons and goals of developing a diversification strategy in the international markets are identified. The concept of core competencies for enterprises in the analysis of strengths and weaknesses in order to determine the direction of diversification. The main stages of developing a diversification strategy in international markets with a more detailed description of each stage. A step-by-step model of strategic analysis of diversification has been developed in order to determine the effectiveness of the corporate strategy of the enterprise and assess compliance with modern market conditions. The key risks in the process of developing a diversification strategy in international markets are described, which may affect the qualitative assessment of the strategy and approaches to its implementation. A number of principles of formation of diversification strategy for innovation-oriented industrial enterprises with their further description are determined. Namely, such principles include: building a vertically integrated system using the uneven development of regions; the use of dual technologies (horizontal diversification into related industries), which can significantly reduce the cost of R&D and technological preparation of production; participation in the creation of autonomous ventures. The issue of effective borders in the process of determining the direction of diversification and evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed direction of diversification is considered. The theory of transaction costs is used to analyze the effective boundaries of the company. The key factors for the analysis of effective borders of industrial enterprises in the conditions of diversified growth are determined. The issue of integration processes as one of the methods of diversification of enterprises is revealed. The sizes of the companies in the process of diversification in the international markets are analyzed. The concept of the optimal size of the enterprise or the structure of the enterprise is introduced in the process of assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed diversification strategy in international markets. The relationship between the model of the optimal size of the integrated structure in the process of diversified growth and the model of integration (network and vector models) is determined.


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How to Cite
Sharoian, F. (2021). KEY STAGES OF DEVELOPING A DIVERSIFICATION STRATEGY IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (16), 20-25.
World economy and international economic relations