Keywords: information and communication technologies, world market, services, equipment, software, information security


The article considers information and communication technologies (ICT), which cover a set of information and communication techniques and methods of data collection, processing and transmission to obtain new quality information about the state of the object, process, phenomenon to create new information. Features and structure of the market are determined.The modern tendencies of development of the information technology industry are analyzed. The volume of expenses for information technologies in the world is given. Strategic modern technological trends are presented, including hyperautomation (application of advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, to increase process automation), blockchain, information security based on artificial intelligence, autonomous devices. The change in the structure of international production, which is manifested in the growing number of companies working in the field of ICT, is analyzed. Trends in the process of information technology management are identified, among which strategic planning is highlighted; increasing the level of risky projects; use of mobile technologies for business in order to create a flexible infrastructure; integration of business systems with social networks; reduction of budgets for information security; reducing the cost of infrastructure and operations; integration of services. The results of the analysis of the ICT market in terms of countries around the world, which characterize the dominance of the US ICT structure in its structure, are presented. China ranks second in the world in terms of IT spending, but is one of the fastest growing markets. Significant annual growth rates are shown by developing countries, including Brazil, India and some countries in the Asia-Pacific region. In Western Europe, amid the economic recession, IT spending is slowing. A SWOT analysis of the US ICT market, which is dominant in terms of volume, was conducted in order to determine the level of its impact on the dynamics of international ICT exchange. The comparative characteristics of the European and American markets are given. The analysis identifies the main trends in the global ICT market and outlines the prospects for its development, namely: further growth of the global segment of IT services, the pace of which will be highest in the Chinese market, reducing global development of hardware and software by reducing investment.


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How to Cite
Chernyshova, L., & Novikova, L. (2021). WORLD MARKET OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES: TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (16), 15-19.
World economy and international economic relations