• Daria Londarenko PE «GALAEXPERT»
Keywords: innovative and sectoral modernization, scientific and technical development, regional economy, innovative infrastructure, economic regulation, clustering, structural shifts, sustainable development, gross regional product


The article considers models of modernization of the regional economy, special positioning of the financial component in the resource potential of the region and its interaction with other components of such potential. It is noted that the study of modern models of modernization analysis shows that in contrast to the approaches used in the framework of classical modernization studies, they are significantly more flexible and elastic in relation to the studied reality, its temporal and spatial dimensions. In addition, these models are more productive when studying the regional dynamics of modernization, since they do not involve considering the national economic system as a homogeneous single whole (monolith), functioning according to the same institutional, economic and economic mechanisms in each subsystem and over the entire time interval. It is proved that the modernization paradigm of the regional economy, which was formed mainly under the influence of evolutionism and functionalism, itself is constantly developing and improving, the development of the theory of modernization is a guideline for the innovative development of meso-level economic systems, characterized by a significant spread of indicators of natural resource, economic, financial, institutional and other types of potential, as well as the levels of their socio-economic development. The latter circumstance, so characteristic of Ukraine, leaves a big imprint on the choice of models of regional modernization, including the forms of Organization of production and innovation activities within a particular region. The article also presents indicators of gross regional product (GRP) for the regions of Ukraine in 2013-2018. A model of territorial organization of the financial sector is proposed and its role in the formation of resource flows is indicated. The main directions of modernization of the regional economy are substantiated.


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How to Cite
Londarenko, D. (2020). RESOURCE AND INNOVATION ASPECT OF REGIONAL ECONOMIC MODERNIZATION. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 215-219.
Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics