Keywords: valuation, financial benefits, enterprise, stakeholders, the fundamental and stakeholder value added, , the fundamental and stakeholder income, the invested capital, market value of the invested capital, value-based management


The purpose of the article is to give the methodological and practical reasons for valuating the fundamental and stakeholder value added of enterprises in the process of implementing the system of value-based management at the micro level of contemporary economy. The research topic is significant because the issue of valuating the fundamental and stakeholder value added in the system of value-based management of enterprises by the criterion of growth of this value is currently of great interest. In the research there are used such methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, systems approach, a comparative method and a graphical method. The study revealed the essence of the fundamental and stakeholder value added as the indicator of additional financial benefits of the enterprise and its key stakeholders. The method for valuating the fundamental and stakeholder value added of enterprises is proposed. There are characterized such basic indicators of valuation of fundamental and stakeholder value added of enterprises as: the indicator of the fundamental and stakeholder income, of the invested capital and its market value. There is described the reasoning that led the author to select the method of calculating the fundamental and stakeholder income, the invested capital and its market value in the process of determining the fundamental and stakeholder value added of enterprises. The method of valuating the fundamental and stakeholder value added was tested on the example of five mining and processing plants of Ukraine. Practical calculations of the fundamental and stakeholder value added of mining and processing plants of Ukraine have been performed. There are analyzed the tendencies of formation of the fundamental and stakeholder added value of the above mentioned mining and processing plants of Ukraine. For those mining and processing plants of Ukraine which were analyzed there are given recommendations as to updating management measures to ensure their development along the trajectory of the growth of the fundamental and stakeholder value added under conditions of implementing the system of value-based management. The research has important implications for valuating the fundamental and stakeholder value added and for building the system of effective value-based management on its basis according to the criterion of maximizing the fundamental and stakeholder value added of enterprises.


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Money, finance and credit