• Iryna Vdovenko National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economics”
Keywords: financial policy, financial mechanisms, bank lending mechanism, insurance protection mechanism, state financial support mechanism, financial support


In the conditions of unstable market environment the role of efficiency of management of finances of the enterprises through application of effective financial mechanisms of development of the enterprises of agrarian sector grows. The main financial mechanisms of development of agricultural enterprises are analyzed, their features and shortcomings are determined. It is established that the introduced system of financing state support of the agro-industrial complex does not provide the legally defined assistance to agricultural enterprises, their competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets, food security, strengthening social protection of the rural population mainly due to imperfections of existing mechanisms and reluctance of farmers. Deterrent factors for lending to agricultural enterprises and the development of agricultural insurance have been identified, which makes it impossible to improve their financial security and effective risk management in the agricultural sector in order to increase the potential for their dynamic development. The main problems of the agricultural insurance market are the lack of state support for the development of the industry, difficult conditions and procedures, lack of insurance of those risks that most concern policyholders, lack of guarantee of insurance payments and their timeliness, which, in turn, affects indicators of current trends agricultural insurance. The main deterrents to lending to agricultural enterprises are high interest rates; unacceptable requirements for collateral; reluctance of banks to lend to start-ups and small and medium-sized businesses; increased requirements for financial reporting. Annual changes in the procedures and mechanisms for allocating funds from the state budget, their cumbersomeness, late approval and repeated changes during the year cause untimely receipt of state financial support and inefficient use and return to the state budget at the end of the year. The effectiveness of financial mechanisms to ensure the development of the agricultural sector of the economy depends on the well-formed financial policy of the individual enterprise and the state as a whole, which contributes to the coincidence of economic interests of the agricultural enterprise and the state.


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Money, finance and credit