Keywords: tourist potential, tourist resources, regional tourist cluster, local cluster, region, territory, branch


The aim of the article is to study the tourist potential of Sumy region for the formation of a regional tourist cluster based on the identification of “points” of origin and development of local tourist clusters. The importance of the tourist potential of the territory in the formation of tourist clusters has been proven by world practice. The tourist potential of Sumy region is studied on the basis of the tourist resources of the region and the possibilities of the former united territorial communities. In the study of the tourist potential of Sumy region is carried out on the basis of the method of SWOT-analysis. Weaknesses and strengths of the tourist potential of the region are studied. The strengths of the nature reserve fund, water and tourist and recreational resources are identified and the state of accommodation facilities is revealed. The characteristics of the weaknesses of the tourist potential are given, namely: the low level of the general and tourist infrastructure and improvement of tourist objects is determined. The article identifies external and internal opportunities and limitations of the tourist potential of Sumy region on the emergence and development of “growth points” of local tourism clusters as a basic basis for the formation of a regional tourism cluster. The article identifies ways to strengthen the weaknesses and maximize the strengths of the tourist potential of Sumy region in the formation of a regional tourism cluster based on the development and implementation of certain measures to create: urban local tourism clusters, environmental and rural tourism local clusters, general and tourist infrastructure; institutions of collective placement, provision of advertising and information process of cluster formation, process of improvement of personnel potential in the tourist branch of the region, organizational and managerial support of the tourist branch. The main features of the process of formation of a regional tourist cluster in Sumy region, which include infrastructural, institutional, functional, spatial, social and economic, are identified.


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How to Cite
Zigunov, V., & Zigunov, R. (2020). FORMATION OF A REGIONAL TOURIST CLUSTER FOR THE SUMY REGION. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (15), 82-87.
Productive forces development and regional economics