Keywords: risk, tax risk, fiscal crisis, risk management, anti-crisis measures


The purpose of the article is to study the risks and threats to tax security of the enterprise and outline ways to minimize them under the influence of David-19. In the process of research the methods of observation, comparison, analysis, synthesis, and generalization were used. The study is based on the hypothesis that the identification of tax security risks will increase the validity, efficiency and analytical information on their management and develop measures to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on business activities in accordance with modern management requirements. The article presents threats to doing business. It is established that the “Fiscal Crisis” ranked sixth in the adjusted results for 2020 (34% of respondents). It is substantiated that the risks of global epidemics, risks of military conflicts, and the risk of dysfunction of the management system have become a new threat to tax security; and the risk of social instability. The stages of risk management of the enterprise are given: identification, planning, management methods, risk assessment, monitoring of tax risks and analysis of the effectiveness of their management. The methods of tax risk management in the conditions of Covid-19 (Ukrainian practice in terms of duties and other taxes on import transactions; extension of the deadline for filing reports/making tax payments; suspension of tax inspections; value added tax and other indirect taxes) are characterized and the necessity of introduction of offers on development of the Fiscal road map of economic recovery is proved. Which should include the following stages: Stage 1: Pandemic period; Stage 2. Postpandemic; Stage 3. Stabilizing. It is concluded that countries are seeking to restore their public finances, and that taxes will play a key role, both in terms of income levels and in terms of the tax structure, which may need to be adapted to the Post-Age period. And business management and public authorities should keep in mind that the best way to increase tax revenues is to support sustainable growth, including through strong and sustainable incentives, as this will increase tax revenues.


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How to Cite
Skrypnyk, M., & Hryhorevska, O. (2020). RISKS AND THREATS OF TAX SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE AND WAYS OF THEIR MINIMIZATION UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF COVID-19. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (15), 64-69. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/15.11
Economics and business management