Keywords: motivation, enterprise personnel, motivation management, motivating factors, modern innovative enterprises


Motivation of employees of the enterprise is a determining factor in ensuring its effective development, because thanks to the employees having a desire to work with dedication, growing interest in the effectiveness of the results of joint work. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the theoretical aspects of improving the management of the motivation of employees of the modern innovative enterprises. The study of the motivation system indicated that the most problematic issue was to identify motivational factors that may affect the productivity of modern enterprises. It was established that motivational tools for modern innovative enterprises can differ significantly. Therefore, to ensure sustainable development and increase the level of competitiveness of enterprises, management needs to pay considerable attention to the management of employee motivation and its features specific to a particular sector of the national economy.


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How to Cite
Zaika, S., Kuskova, S., & ZaikaО. (2020). THE ESSENCE AND PROBLEMS OF MOTIVATION AS A FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (15), 48-52.
Economics and business management