• Alla Grechko National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • Oleksandra Ocheretiana National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Keywords: development, sustainability, sustainable development of the enterprise, principles of sustainable development, components of sustainable development of the enterprise


The purpose of the article is to consider the essence of the concept of sustainable development, to explore its definition and features of translation, and to systematize approaches to defining the concept of sustainable development of the enterprise. Issues of global sustainable development, sustainable development of countries and regions are now popular. However, the sustainable development of the enterprise is a less research topic. The article analyzes the historical concept of sustainable development. Even before our era, philosophers emphasized the importance of conducting economic activities, which aims not only to enrich themselves, but also to treat nature with care. There are two approaches to defining the concept of sustainable development of the enterprise. The first - a broad definition, sustainable development of the enterprise is the development of the enterprise in terms of the global concept of sustainable development. The second - a narrow definition, sustainable development of the enterprise is the constant economic development of the enterprise. Scientists emphasize that it is important to consider the sustainable development of the enterprise in the broad sense of the definition. Three components of sustainable development need to be considered at once: economic, environmental and social. The article describes the components of sustainable development. Among them are ensuring sustainable economic growth, increasing product competitiveness, increasing the share of high-tech, knowledge-intensive industries with minimal environmental impact, adherence to the principles of resource conservation, ensuring balanced development of all structural elements of the industrial complex, achieving balanced interests of industrial enterprises, local governments government, population, financial institutions. Sustainable development of the enterprise involves the construction of an effective management system based on a system of forming and partial principles. The research conducted in the article has practical value, because the definition of the concept of sustainable development of the enterprise was defined. In the future, you can explore the features of sustainable development on the example of specific enterprises.


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How to Cite
Grechko, A., & Ocheretiana, O. (2020). ECONOMIC ESSENCE OF THE CONCEPT OF "SUSTAINABLE ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT". Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (15), 37-41.
Economics and business management