Keywords: logistics, geologistics, logistics concept, transport geologistics, information system, transport, logistics flow, international transportation


The urgency of geologistics studies in the conditions of transformation anddevelopment of economic systems is determined by the need of the national economic system to develop and strengthen the competitiveness of domestic business through the development of cross-border transportation, transit potential of Ukraine, enhancing international transport and logistics links. The purpose of the article is to study and improve the conceptual and categorical apparatus of geologistics in the context of the developing information economy, to clarify the essence of its key concepts. Both general and special scientific research methods were used in the article, namely theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, methods of functional-structural analysis, scientific abstraction. The article highlights the essence and content of the concept of & quot; geologistics & quot; as an effective geospatial organization of logistics flows (material, freight, personnel, passenger, energy, service, information, financial, etc.) between countries and continents. The preconditions of development and goals of geologistics in the globally integrated economic and social development are outlined. It is established that the fundamental goals of geologistics are aimed at organization, provision and support of cross-border logistics flows, optimization of resource, time, labor, service and financial costs for the supply of resources and the final product from a producer to a consumer, as well as for prompt, comfortable transportation of passengers and tourists across the globe. The list of factors of influence on formation and development of geologistics in the context of globally fundamental transformations and transformations of logistic concepts has been formed. The fundamental tasks of geologistics in the supranational dimension are systematized. The list of infrastructural elements of geologistics including transport system; transport nodes (bimodal, multimodal); the system of multimodal (mixed / combined) transportation; information technologies and information and navigation systems, international logistics centers, concentration and distribution terminals, parks, sites, zones, regional clusters, etc. has been formed. The place and role of modern information technologies in the management of logistics flows have been determined. The advanced technologies used for information support of cross – border logistics flows have been described.


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How to Cite
Kharchenko, M., Tsymbalistova, O., & Yudenko, E. (2020). FORMATION OF THE CONCEPTUAL AND CATEGORY APPARATUS OF GEOLOGISTICS IN THE CONDITIONS OF INFORMATION ECONOMY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (14), 74-78.
Economics and business management