In the article the basic aspects of macroeconomic security are been analyzed. The analysis of key macroeconomic indicators Ukraine's security is been given: indicators characterizing the general economic potential; indicators of financial security; indicators of living standards; indicators characterizing the supply of the country's defense; indicators characterizing the economy's ability to self-development; indicators characterizing the economy's ability to self-development; group of indicators of the foreign state independence; indicators characterizing the difference in regional economic development entities; indicators characterizing the managerial aspects of economic security. The critical point within groups and provided general recommendations for achieving optimal values. It is noted that the rating of the IMF Ukraine ranks 134th, along with countries such as Uzbekistan, Congo, Laos, Moldova; due to the average life expectancy Ukraine takes 150 place – near the end of the ranking, where African countries; expenditure on various research, development, training of scientific personnel and scientific support and support for various departments decreased by 8% 4.8 billion USD etc. Results of the study indicate that all indicators are or unsatisfactory value, or even critical. Ukraine is currently in crisis – inflation, devaluation, debt growth and reduce foreign reserves, reducing the key indicators and falling exports, and the most important thing is that the political conflict in eastern Ukraine strongly shakes the economy.
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Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
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The official website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, available at:
Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, available at:
The World Bank IBRD IDA, available at:
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2015), The Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2015", available at:
The National Institute for Strategic Studies, available at: