Keywords: enterprise financial policy, finance, financial and economic relations, financial management, criteria for evaluation of financial policy, financial indicators


The article is devoted to the scientific and methodological approaches to the systematization of the financial policy criteria of aviation enterprises. It is determined that monitoring, regulation and optimization of the usage of resources, assets, capital return control, investments, balance between own and loan financial resources are impossible without development and implementation of an appropriate complex methodology for aviation enterprises’ activities evaluation. It is justified that the objective basis for ensuring of the effective functioning of aviation enterprises should be the specific criteria and a system of financial policy analysis indicators, which will allow determining its status and adjusting further actions aiming the modernization of financial management system. In the framework of the conducted study, the scientific and methodological approaches to assessing of the corporate financial policy effectiveness are developed. It is determined that the corporate financial policy evaluation system should be based on two sets of tools – regulatory (current assets and capital, which are aimed at increasing the revenue side of financial policy) and optimization (fixed assets and intangible assets, in respect of which the conducting of financial policy is focused on the supportive processes and on the allocation of financial resources for their attraction, repair/renewal and withdrawal from the assets of the enterprise). These set of tools are interdepended. The regulatory tool is responsible for the revenue of the enterprise, and the optimization tool – for the cost base. The system of financial policy analysis indicators should be based on the financial stability assurance, turnover increase, ensuring maneuverability and compliance of the assets and there immobilization. The scientific novelty of the study is the development of scientific provisions for the systematization of criteria for evaluation of the financial policy of the aviation enterprises, aimed at modernizing the financial policy of such enterprises. The promising area for further research is the development of the methodology of the aviation enterprises’ financial policy forecasting during the crisis and post-crisis periods.


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How to Cite
Kreidych, I., & Tovmasian, V. (2020). CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION OF THE FINANCIAL POLICY OF THE AVIATION ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (14), 47-53.
Economics and business management