• Denis Korolov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
Keywords: competence approach, management team, structure, efficiency criteria, synergetic effect, competence synergy


The article is devoted to the study of the essence and definition of the prerequisites for ensuring a synergistic effect from the functioning of the management team. The urgency of this issue is due to the decisive role of the team approach in ensuring the competitiveness of management structures in the post-industrial economy. Since the key to building effective management teams is to adhere to the competency approach, it is necessary to justify the positive effect of the diversity and level of development of competencies of team members. In order to solve the set tasks the methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, graphic modeling are used in the article. The article substantiates that the central problem of evaluating the effectiveness of the management team is to ensure its compliance with certain criteria of operational efficiency. Based on the analysis of approaches to determining the criteria of management team effectiveness, the need to ensure a positive effect from the interaction of its members in the form of management synergy, which is defined as increasing the effectiveness of company management as a result of coordinated team interaction between managers and different levels of management. According to the results of the analysis of approaches to the interpretation of managerial synergy, such types as structural (as a result of establishing information flows in the team), functional (as a result of establishing cooperation in the team) and administrative (as a result of optimal distribution of rights and responsibilities). It is shown that the sources of synergetic effect will be the formation of optimal in terms of compliance with the tasks of the team structures: organizational (model of formal division of powers within the team), role (distribution between team members based on their objective and subjective competencies) and communicative (set of information links between team members). The total synergetic effect is defined as a competency synergy and the expediency of its identification with complex efficiency criteria of the management team is substantiated.


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How to Cite
Korolov, D. (2020). COMPETENCE SYNERGY AS EFFICIENCY CRITERIA OF MANAGEMENT TEAMS FUNCTIONING. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (14), 42-46.
Economics and business management