Keywords: restaurant business, trends, services, innovative technologies, franchise


The restaurant services, as part of the hospitality industry, is one of the most promising and dynamically growing sectors of the economy. Prosperous restaurant business needs to be constantly aware of global trends in this area. After all, trends are frequently updated, and in order not to lose a client, you need to use the full range of innovative technologies in your work. The realities of today require significant innovation activity from Ukrainian restaurant enterprises in the context of increased competition. The purpose of the article is to identify the key factors influencing the development trends of the restaurant industry in Ukraine and Mykolayiv. To achieve this goal, the study analyzes the trends that affect the development of restaurants; typification of establishments of the enterprises of restaurant economy of Mykolayiv is carried out. Trends in the market in the restaurant sector are quite closely related to the level of socio-economic development of the state, the dynamics of income and expenditure structure of the population, changes in the structure of supply and demand, and the level of automation of business processes. Changes in consumer demands lead to the need to expand the range of additional services, which will contribute to the most complete satisfaction of customer needs, and therefore, will increase the level of competitiveness of the restaurant business and strengthen its competitive position in the market. The current trends in the development of the restaurant business, we can include: trends in the specialization of the restaurant offer; the creation of international restaurant chains; the development of a franchise network; the introduction of new computer technologies in the hospitality industry. In Ukraine, the restaurant business has not yet reached the international level and is only at the nascent stage. The dynamic development of this type of economic activity leads to the emergence of restaurant establishments of different types and price categories, which gives consumers the opportunity to choose such an institution in the restaurant sector that is most suitable for them according to all criteria.


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How to Cite
Kovalenko, H., & Potochylova, I. (2020). MAIN TRENDS OF DEVELOPMENT OF RESTAURANT SERVICES OF MYKOLAYIV REGION. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (14), 37-41.
Economics and business management