Keywords: financial stability, diagnosis of financial stability, types of financial stability, coefficient model of financial stability assessment, modified balance sheet model, system model of financial stability assessment


The article is considered the classification of types of financial stability of the enterprise with their full characteristic. So, the main classification features of the financial stability of the enterprise are as follows: by the time of the assessment, by level of financial stability, financial stability as a certain financial condition, according to the level of provision of stocks with sources of their financing and by the characteristic of time. Also, the article describes the methods of diagnosis and methodological tools for assessing the main types of financial stability. Coefficient model for assessing the current financial stability of the enterprise is proposed to be used in terms of indicators, which characterize the effectiveness of management of capital structure, assets and cash flows of the enterprise. For a comprehensive assessment of financial stability based on this model is proposed all coefficients group in a matrix divided into two classes depending on the presence of the normative value. This will diagnose 5 states of financial stability of the enterprise: very high, high, normal, acceptable, satisfactory and unsatisfactory. It is proposed to diagnose financial stability as a certain financial condition of the enterprise based on the use of a model of modified balance with a division into generalized and differentiated scales. It allows you to identify areas of ideal or sufficient financial stability, financial equilibrium, and state of tension or risk areas. The main emphasis in the article is on substantiating the need for a comprehensive diagnosis of the financial stability of the enterprise, based on the use of a system model, which allows you to manage financial stability in the context of the factors that determine it in the current or future periods. A practical tool for determining the appropriate state of financial stability in the context of the system model is developed matrices of possible states and situations of the system model. They allow with full confidence assess the state of financial stability in a certain period as an approximation to the ideal or equilibrium or the maximum difference between the desired state and the state of danger.


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How to Cite
Dokiienko, L. (2020). CONCEPTUAL APPROACHES TO THE DIAGNOSIS OF FINANCIAL STABILITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (14), 25-31.
Economics and business management