• Kateryna Boiarynova National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • Anna Bychkovska National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Keywords: ecological innovations, eco-innovations, enterprise, technologies, ecological production


The study is determined by the need to ensure sustainable development of enterprises, increase their competitiveness and social responsibility for environmental protection. It is dedicated to the analysis of the current situation, progressing problems and prospects of implementation of environmental innovations at enterprises. Based on the use of the monographic method, abstract-logical method, logical generalizations, formalization and concretization were revealed the problems, tendencies and features of implementation of ecological innovations at domestic industrial enterprises. The significance of eco-innovations and its key objects are considered. This article justifies the division of eco-innovations to innovations in the production activities of the enterprise (innovations in the field of emission reduction, water pollution); innovations in the composition of products (creation of products from ecological materials, reusable materials); in the management sphere (energy management, waste management, etc.). The tendencies of implementation of low-waste, resource-saving, technological processes at the enterprises are analyzed in this study. Positive dynamics in terms of quantity was revealed, however, there is the lack of implementation in the structure of such technologies in the implemented new technological processes. The capacity of capital investments in ecological innovations by types of economic activity of Ukrainian enterprises are studied. A low level of activity on financing waste management, soil protection and rehabilitation has been identified. In order to develop ecological processes, it is proposed to provide a number of economic terms: the development of the insurance market, in the context of insurance of enterprises in the field of eco-innovation; subsidizing industrial enterprises for the transition to use of non-traditional energy sources; creation of clusters of ecologically oriented production; increasing the investment attractiveness of resource investment in the ecological production; creation of special purpose funds at enterprises; formation of the program of development of eco-innovations in the industry.


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How to Cite
Boiarynova, K., & Bychkovska, A. (2020). PROBLEMS AND OUTLOOK OF IMPLEMENTATION OF ECOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS AT ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (14), 19-24.
Economics and business management