Keywords: management, business processes, financial management, indicators, anti-crisis management, enterprise hardiness


This article is aimed at the consideration of the problem of enterprise hardiness, its ability to withstand threats, and quickly adapt to conditions of uncertainty and risks in the current global economic crisis. While operating in a crisis, each company must develop its adaptive mechanism for business processes management, which is based on a set of measurable indicators that can be managed and corrected and are system-forming for each element of the business system in particular and the enterprise in general. The ability to quickly adapt is possible with the constant support of the business information base, which reflects the possible results of business processes and allows to respond to negative trends in time. Thereby, the article considers the problems of selecting a system of indicators, primarily financial and anti-crisis, which will monitor business processes, prevent threats, and crisis. The set of indicators of effective business processes management involves the selection of the crucial indicators, without which the detailed, individual indicators are not essential to ensure hardiness. Business processes management based on a system of indicators involves the implementation of basic management functions – organization, planning, incentives, and control, bringing results to each unit through internal communication channels. The abovementioned approach is not to be absolutized, it is clear that other areas than financial and anti-crisis are important, however, we are dealing with the most important elements of management in terms of risk and uncertainty. The main idea of creating an adaptive system of business processes management indicators is to prevent the breakdown of the enterprise's hardiness in crisis conditions, so the proposed indicators are to some extent prognostic. Needless to say, this does not include the study and consideration of systematic (not subject to enterprise management) risks. The development of hardiness ensuring mechanism involves the synthesis of internal business processes management mechanisms, with external threats consideration.


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How to Cite
Reshetnyk, N., Shulpina, N., & Reshetnyk, O. (2020). ENTERPRISE HARDINESS THROUGH THE PRISM OF BUSINESS PROCESSES FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (13), 63-67. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/13.12
Economics and business management