Keywords: advertising, advertising tools, advertising campaign, advertising policy, advertising efficiency


The features of advertising activities of private entrepreneur “Lugina Igor Vasyliovych” are analyzed in the article. The company operates in the domestic and foreign markets. It produces the widest range of tea products, using not only its own raw materials, but also imported – high quality. The competitive advantages of the researched enterprise are defined, it’s the closed production cycle. Implementing an advertising campaign, private entrepreneur "Lugina Igor Vasyliovych" has the following goals: increase sales; brand promotion; change of consumer behavior by informing them about the assignment of the company's products to the quality certificate ISO 9001 and ISO 22000. The advertising campaign includes: issue of booklets; advertising in the press (magazines, mainly construction and business topics); advertising on the Internet (site development, links to the site); mailing; participation in TV shows; outdoor advertising; radio advertising. The strategy of the advertising campaign of private entrepreneur "Luhyna Ihor Vasylyovych" was evaluated and it was revealed that it is aimed at achieving the prestige of the brand and building consumer confidence in the quality of products. Weaknesses of advertising activity of the researched enterprise are defined. Proposals have been developed to increase its efficiency. It is proposed to strengthen the use of PR tools, in particular by posting articles about the usefulness of the products of private entrepreneur "Luhyna Igor Vasyliovych", emphasizing the attractiveness of a healthy lifestyle. Also, a number of measures have been developed and proposed within the implementation of the policy of corporate social specialty in order to form a positive image of the company, including support for the development of children's sports in Kyiv, promoting a healthy lifestyle among young people. The implementation of the proposed measures will contribute to the achievement of the following positive results: strengthening the brand's position and the company's image as a result of obtaining real public recognition; increase in sales volume and market share due to mass support by the population of those companies that constantly publicly adhere to CSR; optimization of operational processes and reduction of production costs as a certain benefit from the implementation of CSR; establishing and building effective relationships with other companies, government agencies and commercial organizations; improving financial and economic performance.


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How to Cite
Pashchenko, O., & Caminska, S. (2020). FEATURES OF ADVERTISING ACTIVITY OF PRIVATE ENTREPRENEUR LUGINA IGOR VASYLIOVYCH AND WAYS TO INCREASE ITS EFFICIENCY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (13), 54-57. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/13.10
Economics and business management