Keywords: real attractiveness, intellectual capital, influence factor, correlation-regression analysis


In the context of Ukraine's integration into the world economic space, attention is growing to one of the key attracting investment resources characteristics – the enterprise investment attractiveness and ways to increase it. Therefore, the study of factors influencing the enterprise investment attractiveness growth is relevant. The article defines the concepts of "the enterprise investment attractiveness" and "intellectual capital". Factors that affect the enterprise investment attractiveness, including economic, social, technological ones, are outlined. However, in order to attract the investors’ attention, it is advisable to consider such a component of the enterprise as intellectual capital. A point assessment of the enterprise investment attractiveness, which takes into account not only the results of financial and economic activities (indicators of efficiency, financial condition, liquidity and solvency), but also the intellectual capital formation level. These calculations show that the main factor in increasing the enterprise investment attractiveness is its intellectual capital formation level growth. With the help of correlation-regression analysis, the intellectual capital influence on the food industry enterprise investment attractiveness level is determined. To check the impact of the factor on the performance indicator using MS Excel, a correlation coefficient was calculated, which indicates that there is a close relationship between the enterprise investment attractiveness and its intellectual capital formation level. The regression analysis results indicate the presence of the factor feature influence on the effective feature, and the change in the level of the enterprise intellectual capital formation causes a change in its investment attractiveness by 62.4%. According to the results of calculations, the model is reliable, the regression equation is significant. Analyzing the obtained model, we can say that with an increase in the level of intellectual capital by 0.1, the investment attractiveness of the enterprise will increase by 9.22 points.


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How to Cite
Komlichenko, O., & Rotan, N. (2020). INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL AS A FACTOR OF INFLUENCE ON THE ENTERPRISE INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (13), 44-49.
Economics and business management