Keywords: strategy, innovation strategy, innovation potential, diversified growth strategy, reference strategy


The article investigates the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of innovative strategies of industrial enterprises in modern conditions. The paper summarizes the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of innovative strategies of industrial enterprises and identifies the stages of formation of innovative strategies that would contribute to the economic growth of domestic enterprises. On the basis of retrospective analysis, synthesis and generalization the existing methodological bases of the choice of innovative strategies of enterprises are systematized and improved. Approaches to defining the essence of innovation strategy are generalized. Systematized and adapted types of innovation strategies of enterprises. The stages of formation of innovation strategy, which will ensure the efficient functioning of enterprises and promote economic growth is determined (formation of goals and objectives, analysis of internal and external environment; analysis of innovation potential; formation of innovation strategy; long-term innovation forecasting; determination of required resources; selection of innovation strategy appropriate for implementation; control; determination of impact of innovation strategy on economic enterprise development. It is established that a promising direction of activating the innovation strategy is the introduction of strategic maps and a system of balanced scores. In this regard, one of the stages in the formation of innovation strategy is to compile a strategic map of innovation, which will take into account the different options for innovation and can be the basis for the formation and adjustment of subsequent innovation strategies of industrial enterprises. The practical significance of the work is that the inclusion of a strategic map in the stages of formation of the innovation strategy will increase the efficiency of the use of financial support for innovation. The proposed approach to the formation of innovation strategy allows to integrate it into the system of balanced performance of the enterprise.


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Economics and business management