Keywords: innovation activity, enterprise development, enterprise development management system, factors of innovation activity


The article is devoted to substantiation of scientific and theoretical approaches to determining the role of innovative activity of the enterprise in the management system of its development in the conditions of increasing competition and market globalization. The object of research is a scientific and theoretical basis for determining the essence of innovative activity of the enterprise and identifying its place in the management system of economic development of the business entity. The purpose of the work is to generalize the economic content and substantiate the importance of innovation activity to ensure effective management of economic development of the enterprise. The research method is a systematic theoretical substantiation of the relationship between innovation processes in the enterprise and its economic development. Under modern conditions, the requirements for increasing the level of their competitiveness in the market are becoming more and more strict for business entities, which objectively requires constant improvement of the system of management of their development. The article proposes a new approach to determining the role of innovation in ensuring the economic growth of the enterprise. It is substantiated that the innovation component is the basis for the functioning of all elements of the enterprise development management system. Innovative activity is a generalized complex characteristic of the symbiosis of innovative activity and innovative potential. It is an integral part of achieving a positive result, which will be reflected in long-term sustainable development. The application of product, technological, organizational innovations in management is a modern tool to improve the market position of the enterprise in a competitive market in a dynamic environment. Much attention is paid to identifying the factors of internal and external environment that affect innovation in the enterprise. Taking them into account helps to increase the efficiency of management in the enterprise, develop its competitive advantages and ensure sustainable economic development.


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How to Cite
Grechan, P. (2020). INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY IN THE ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (13), 29-32.
Economics and business management