This article is devoted to studying the concept of managing the production potential of the enterprise and management system of enterprise production potential. The aim of the article is to investigate and structurize of existing works on the selected subject. The objectives of the article is to develop a generalized definition of “management system of enterprise production potential” and description of its components, features, principles, mechanisms. During the execution of tasks of this article the main types of control systems that exist today were concidered, and described the most commonly used features of economic systems – organizational. Based on the existing scientific developments formed their own definition of managing the production potential of the enterprise, which is to set goals, principles, methods, techniques, forms and incentives management used by the entrepreneur in the management of production activities to ensure the most effective use and development of the productive capacity of the enterprise. Considered its structure and description of its component parts: an administration and object management. The mechanism of control that provides for management objectives, which is to ensure the most effective use and development of the productive capacity of the enterprise. The approaches that should guide the entrepreneur in managing production potential business. The next step was formed own algorithm of the management company and production potential is divided into four main stages: goal setting, evaluation, comparison and adjustment. Based on the processed material modern research authors have proposed a specific list of ways to build productive capacity of the enterprise – a set of driving forces and factors leading to an increase in production capacity and listed a number of basic measures to eliminate the weaknesses and problems that arise in the management of the production potential of the company to its every component. Obtained in the study results can be used on any enterprise to correct problems in the management of its manufacturing capacity in general or each component separately, its capacity and in the prevention of problems.
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