• Natalia Gordiyenko O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • Olena Illiashenko O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • Olena Lytovchenko O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Keywords: enterprise, corporate management, organizational and information support, accounting and analytical support, planned budgets


Orientation of the corporate management system on increasing its value requires improvement and implementation of effective anti-crisis management mechanisms based on modern methods, primarily a value-based approach to form a reliable assessment of existing opportunities and attract potential investors. The value of the enterprise is the result of its activities and a sign of improving the welfare of owners. The variety of theoretical and methodological approaches and ambiguity of interpretations in the economic literature of the enterprise’s market value essence in theoretical, legislative and practical aspects is proof of the complexity of this economic category, the interpretation of which should be approached depending on the purpose and scope. In view of the above, the urgency of the issues that need to be addressed necessitates the improvement of the process of accounting-analytical and organizational-information support of corporate performance management. For implementation the anti-crisis managing mechanism of the corporate enterprise effectiveness on the basis of cost-oriented management and management based on expectations, a holistic set of interrelated organizational and informational actions is proposed, which allows to quickly identify trends of the enterprise’s value change, contributes to make informed management decisions aimed at eliminating negative trends of the development, the objectives of the activity by applying the tools of value-based corporate management and activities aimed at maximizing the welfare of owners and harmonization of corporate relations. Diagnostic instrument used for the calculation of determining the enterprise value is the indicator, which, unlike the known model of economic value added (EVA), calculated as the ratio of net adjusted income and the weighted average cost of capital adapted to national financial reporting information data. The proposed indicator allows for a direct response, including corporate action to prevent a decline in the market value of shares. An organizational and information scheme is proposed, which specifies the tasks of the enterprise managements, defines information channels and communication system by introducing into the traditional order of corporate management and short term planning forecast calculations of performance indicators. The proposed organizational and information scheme, in contrast to the existing ones, creates a value-based information and communication network, covers the information flows of the external and internal environment, promotes the formation of real planned budgets aimed at increasing the value of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Gordiyenko, N., Illiashenko, O., & Lytovchenko, O. (2020). ORGANIZATION AND ACCOUNTING-ANALYTICAL SUPPORT OF THE ENTERPRISE’S EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (13), 24-28.
Economics and business management