Keywords: logistics, integration, supply chains, material resources, agro industrial complex, agro logistics


Logistics is a particularly important part of the country, given that Ukraine’s location gives us significant advantages in using transit routes connecting East and West, enabling the development of transit services, and international trade – bringing a significant share to domestic GDP. The article analyzes the prospects for the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy. The necessity of reforming agro logistics on the principles of logistic integration and sustainable development is determined. The aim of the article is to deepen the scientific foundations of the formation of global supply chains in the innovative system of agrology and sustainable business development. The proposed application of integrated logistics approaches based on the substantiation of methods of managing global supply chains in the theory and practice of agro logistics will help solve the problems of realization of logistics potential; strengthening multimodality and interconnection between different modes of transport; maintenance, modernization and expansion of efficient transport and logistics infrastructure and promotion of energy-efficient freight transport; advanced training and training of personnel in the field of logistics; trade facilitation. It is proposed to take into account the system of sustainable development, in addition to the economic, environmental and social components of sustainability, to take into account the technological, digital components as a basis for deep modernization and development of the industry. Digital technologies will stimulate the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the field of logistics and construction and development of a multimodal transport network, building capacity for the development of cooperative, integrated and automated transportation, stimulate innovation and ensure sustainable business development. They create market potential for cooperative, integrated and automated transportation, leading to the creation of many new jobs. It is proved that the development of an integrated transport network will allow establishing interaction between electronic systems, unify technological standards and eliminate barriers in the market.


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How to Cite
Voloshchuk, V., Bohachyk, S., & Ivanyshyn, O. (2020). FORMATION OF RESOURCE SUPPLY CHAINS IN THE INNOVATIVE SYSTEM OF AGRICULTURAL LOGISTICS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (13), 19-23.
Economics and business management