Keywords: foreign economic security, agricultural sector, economic development, export, import, market, globalization


The agricultural sector is a major in the national economic system, despite its share in the gross national product, exports and employment. Along with the importance of agriculture to the national economy sector is the only sector that has a positive value of export-import activities. The domestic reality is characterized by a deepening of integration processes and the increasing role of globalization, as evidenced by the increasing export and import activity on the part of agricultural producers. However, in terms of increasing volumes of foreign economic activities of the regulatory policy of the state and approaches to the guaranteeing and ensuring of foreign economic security remain archaic, and not sufficiently effective in a market economy. The agricultural sector has a number of industry characteristics. which should be considered on the development of innovative approaches to state regulation of foreign economic security of enterprises, which actualizes a specific theme. The article presents the rationale of the regulatory impact of the state because of agrarian centric development of the national economy and clinet of agriculture in national and food security of Ukraine. In the context of study identifies the imperfections in the current regulatory policy through the high degree of market dependence. Substantial proven market inefficiencies with an absolute position of the controller via a leveling social factor and limited regard to local peculiarities. The state should be an alternative regulator in the formation of a high level of safety performance at the level of the market, the implementation of foreign economic activities of Ukrainian entities of agricultural production and to foster their organic development, without violating the principles and rules of healthy competition in both domestic and foreign markets. Identified the urgent need for regulatory influence and protect the interests of domestic agricultural producers because of the systematic increase of export-import activity and representation of its products in foreign markets. In case the problem is not sufficiently investigated by scholars and practitioners of our time and requires updating in the first place, from the standpoint of updating the current regulatory policy of foreign economic security of agricultural enterprises.


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Economics and national economy management