Keywords: pharmaceutical market, distributors of pharmaceutical products, accounting support, accounting information, operating chart of accounts


Modern economic realities and the conditions of the epidemiological crisis determine the relevance of promptly obtaining information on the status of the provision of medicines, medical supplies, sanitation items, medical equipment and equipment of the country’s pharmaceutical market. Systematization and analysis of the information received, which should meet the requirements of management, becomes the basis for making appropriate management decisions, taking into account the social responsibility of pharmaceutical distributors and promotion companies. The issue of accounting support for the activities of pharmaceutical distributors for commodity supply, cooperation with contractors requires clarification, taking into account the requirements of the functioning of the pharmaceutical market, which determines the relevance of the study. The purpose of the article is to determine influence factors reflecting the features of the current state of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, accounting for the activities of pharmaceutical distributors and developing proposals for updating accounting information on cooperation with contractors in order to fulfill the requirements of the promotion of medicines. The dynamic indicators of the development of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market in the context of the types of medicines, the price segment, changes in the legislation on the import of medicines in the context of the epidemiological crisis, the distribution of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market between companies that import the necessary pharmaceutical goods, import pharmaceutical products by country of origin are analyzed. Requirements for accounting of pharmaceutical products, receivables and payables of pharmaceutical distributors are formed. According to certain features, proposals have been developed on an operating chart of accounts of pharmaceutical distributor enterprises regarding stock accounting, settlements with suppliers and settlements with customers, which helps to optimize cooperation with contractors, forms an information base for using modern methods of analysis and management decisions taking into account the promotion of medicines.


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How to Cite
Kirsanova, V., & Kovalova, O. (2020). ACCOUNTING SUPPORT OF ACTIVITIES OF DISTRIBUTORS OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 200-205.
Accounting, analysis and audit