Keywords: bank, сommercial banks, Financial Intermediaries, banking, banking system, specific features of banking


Today, the banking sector occupies an important place in the structure of the na-tional and world economy. In the context of globalization, it is impossible to imagine the development of the national economy without the banking segment. At the same time, the risks to the stability of the banking system are growing. Obviously, the definition of banking in legislation and research does not quite meet the requirements of the time and the place of banks in the system of economic growth. There are different opinions in the approaches to the classification of banking activity, but no definition takes into account the modern definition of banking activity, which should be based on a comprehensive approach that expands and complements existing ones. The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing scientific approaches to defining the essence and content of the concept of "banking" and substantiate their own interpretation of "banking" based on an integrated approach. The research is focused on scientific approaches to defining the essence of banking. The analysis revealed that in the scientific community there is pluralism in the interpretation of the essence of banking. The article considers the historical development of banking, which indicates the positive dynamics of the growing role of banks in the economy. It is important that the banking sector of the economy develops synchronously with the national economy. It is important that the banking sector of the economy develops synchronously with the national economy. Over time, the classic banking activity was supplemented by new types of banking operations and banking services, which indicates the beginning of the process of transformation of the banking business. The activity of banks acquires new features in classical operations and expands the scope of services in the context of technological progress that does not change the essence of banking. The study substantiates the own interpretation of banking, which makes it possible to take into account the functional features of banking, the presence of which allows it to clearly identify and emphasize the social and economic effects of it.


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How to Cite
Rudevska, V. (2020). THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO DETERMINING THE ESSENCE OF BANKING. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 194-199.
Money, finance and credit