Keywords: Industry 4.0, production automation, robotics, technological unemployment, innovative development of the region


The relevance of the chosen topic is explained by the radical changes in the labor market through Industry 4.0, which, in turn, causes a “restructuring” of professions. This is due to the introduction of automated production, which creates automated jobs and promotes economic growth. Industry 4.0 has become a driving force in today’s economy, changing everything in people’s lives and businesses, and creating the new types of economies. It is evolving very fast, confidently leading to downsizing, and affects every industry. The purpose of the article is the researches of the consequences of changes in the labor market through the introduction of automation “Industry 4.0”. Automation is gradually leading to the fact that machines are displacing many people from the labor market, creating a redistribution of intellectual resources. The special role of information technology is to solve the problem of increasing productivity in production. Thus Industry 4.0 opens up great opportunities. The article is analyzed the impact of automation on the labor market, identified the relationship between productivity and wages in Ukraine, identified existing trends in robotics, identified industries that Industry 4.0 will be affected in the first place. It was identified that the country’s economic growth is influenced by the level of labor productivity, which is characterized by slow growth due to a number of reasons that have existed in our country for some time. This fact is explained by inefficient use of labor potential, weak demand of domestic enterprises for the technology of Industry 4.0. The level of population participation in the labor force has not changed significantly. It can be explained by the large proportion of informally employed people. The workforce is characterized by a large number of low-skilled people, whose work can be replaced by the achievements of Industry 4.0. In Ukraine wage growth is not accompanied by productivity growth. Ukraine needs to increase productivity and create employment. The government should, create the necessary conditions for the emergence of new professions to get new workplaces. The article is important in the context of research on the mechanisms of regulation of innovation activities of the country and regions.


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How to Cite
Priadko, I., & Pikiner, M. (2020). PRODUCTION AUTOMATION IN UKRAINE: STATE AND FEATURES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 169-173.
Demography, labour economics, social economy and policy