Keywords: European integration, single European space, political and economic means, partnership regime, SWOT-analysis, priority areas of cooperation


Strengthening relations between the European Union and Ukraine is a political and economic priority. To achieve this, it is necessary to implement a regime of partnership and cooperation in various fields. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to identify the advantages, disadvantages, threats, risks, opportunities and promising areas of European integration through SWOT-analysis and determine the political and economic means of its implementation in Ukraine. The article uses general scientific methods of abstraction and analogy, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, generalization, structural-logical, SWOT-analysis, statistical, sociological surveys. The history of partnership relations between Ukraine and the EU is studied. The key areas of economic integration of Ukraine and the EU are established, where cooperation with international financial organizations financing programs in various fields of economic activity is a priority of relations. The statistical analysis of indicators of the consolidated foreign trade balance of Ukraine with the EU countries is carried out: volumes of export of the goods and services, volumes of import of the goods and services, balance of export-import operations, parity between export and import. The results of the conducted sociological polls in order to identify the level of support of citizens for Ukraine's accession to the European Union are presented. A matrix of SWOT-analysis of Ukraine's integration into the European Community is proposed, which contains advantages, disadvantages, threats and perspective directions. As a result of the study, the political and economic means of Ukraine’s integration into the European Community were identified in the context of the Association Agreement, where the main ones are: effective cooperation with the international financial organizations to support the development of various areas of economic activity; implementation of democratic principles of human rights; fight against corruption; transformation of the principles of regional management and the use of smart specialization in the development of regional development strategies.


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How to Cite
Ilchenko, T. (2020). POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC MEANS OF UKRAINE’S INTEGRATION TO THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 162-168. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/12.28
Demography, labour economics, social economy and policy