Keywords: competitiveness, higher education, the youth, labor market, employers, business


Economic development of a country depends to a large extent on availability of competitive specialists capable of effective legislation, management, production and improvement of innovation and technology. The current situation in the labor market indicates the imperfection of the existing mechanism of interaction of stakeholders (state, higher education, business and society, the impossibility of self-adjustment and harmonization of relations between them, which highlights the need for improvement. The article presents the results of the empirical study “Youth Competitiveness in the Labor Market”. By interviewing employers, current and promising areas of cooperation between higher education institutions and business structures have been identified. The directions of synchronization of stakeholders’ cooperation in the Quadruple Helix (the state, business, higher education, and the public) to increase youth competitiveness in the labor market have been offered.


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How to Cite
Verbytska, A. (2020). ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT OF “UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS” COOPERATION ON YOUTH COMPETITIVENESS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 158-162.
Demography, labour economics, social economy and policy