Keywords: entrepreneurship, competitiveness, competitive advantages, market


The article evaluates the competitive advantages of the enterprise and compares it with the main competing enterprises. A BCG matrix, a competitiveness polygon were constructed and an expert assessment was conducted. Thanks to these studies, it is seen that the level of competitiveness of LLC "VI DIVO" the highest. In second place "Khers`ON", in third place – "Hub Way". As a result of research of essence of competitiveness of the enterprise the most successful definition of a competition and its kinds has been allocated. Thus, competition itself is understood as an economic process of interaction, interconnection and struggle between companies operating in the market in order to provide better opportunities for sales of their products, meet the diverse needs of customers and obtain the highest income. The driving forces of competition, the components of which are: competitors, potential competitors, suppliers, buyers. The analysis of economic and economic activity of the enterprise is carried out and the competitive advantages of the enterprise are analyzed. Competitiveness man-agement is estimated, the comparative analysis of work of competitors is carried out and the level of competitiveness of the enterprise is analyzed, namely, the complex indicator of competitiveness of the enterprise is calculated. Analyzing the results of economic activity of LLC " VI DIVO" it is seen that sales revenue and net profit increased by 27.92%. Profitability, number of employees and output of employees also increased, which had a positive impact on the company's activities. Reserves for improving the management of the enterprise are administrative expenses and marketing expenses, which decreased by 7.41%. The financial activity of the enterprise was also assessed, namely: liquidity ratios, autonomy, working capital provision, etc. . The analysis of these data shows that the company has a stable financial base, which allows for continuous financial and economic activities, because all indicators are within the norm. Competitiveness management and competitive advantages of the enterprise are estimated. The assessment shows that the company has such competitive advantages as product quality, consumer awareness, pricing policy and the degree of market coverage. Due to these advantages, the company maintains a high competitive position. The key stage was the analysis of the competitiveness of the products and the enterprise itself, which was carried out by constructing the BCG Matrix, the competitiveness polygon and the calculation of the complex competitiveness coefficient. The analysis showed that services are competitive at almost all stages of their life cycle and bring a stable income. The analysis of the company's competitiveness showed that the complex competitiveness ratio increases every year and in 2020 amounted to 2.45, thus strengthening the company's position in the market and among competitors.


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How to Cite
Shulga, M. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF DIRECTIONS FOR INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 135-141.
Economics and business management