Keywords: economic development, management, administrative management, development strategies, competitiveness


Modern processes of globalization and influence of the transformation economic system require the new going near consideration of basic principles of development of national economy and development of effective directions of economic development of enterprises of Ukraine. The aim of the article is generalization of category “economic development of enterprise” and ground of control system by the enterprises at the modern terms of structural transformations. The methodological bases of scientific research are scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge (methods of scientific deduction and induction, comparison and systematization, synthesis). The study of world economic thought and the generalization of modern scientific dialectical justifications of the concept of “economic development of the enterprise”, contributed to the formation of the author’s vision of this definition. It is determined that economic development is, first of all, irreversible, controlled, purposeful, natural quantitative-qualitative and essential changes of the economic system of the economic entity, which are caused by the influence of economic contradictions, needs and interests, based on the laws of dialectics. Studies of the diversity of economic growth and structural changes in the system of economic development of the national economy are reflected in the interdependence of structural components of economic development of enterprises. Content analysis of the formed definitions and systematization of the scale of modern structural changes in the economy of Ukraine, contributed to the formation of the classification of types of development of economic entities on the basis of semantic criteria. The diversity of scientific research and the scale of this issue require the introduction of modern methods of management decisions aimed at specifying priorities, increasing resource provision and developing effective development strategies are established. The organizational and economic levers of balanced stable development of domestic enterprises are the involvement of competitive high-tech innovative production processes under the conditions of integration efforts of organizations and enterprises of the external and internal environment is proved in this article.


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How to Cite
Klimenko, L., Zagorodniuk, O., & Halahur, Y. (2020). DIALECTICS OF THE CONCEPT OF “ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES” IN THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 120-125. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/12.20
Economics and business management