Keywords: circular economy, linear economy, strategic enterprise management, business model, sustainable development, strategy


The purpose of the study is to analyze the essence, preconditions of development, and key principles of the circular economy on the basis of current research of domestic and foreign authors and to characterize the features of strategic management of enterprises in a circular economy. The study analyzes the prerequisites for the emergence of the circular economy idea and its key principles, provides an overview of literary sources exploring the concept of a circular economy and its application at the level of strategic enterprise management. To achieve the goal of the study, the method of generalization of scientific experience and terminological analysis, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, system approach was used. Different approaches of scientists to the definition of the concept of “circular economy” are grouped and analyzed. On their basis, the own interpretation of this term is proposed. The characteristics of the linear type of production and circular economy are carried out, and the diagrams of their operation are shown graphically. A comparative analysis of the key principles of linear and circular economics is made. The basic strategies and business models within the circular economy are considered, the advantages of their implementation for the enterprise are characterized. Barriers to the strategic management of enterprises in the circular economy and measures to overcome them are identified. The peculiarities of strategic management in the conditions of the circular economy are defined, the individual corporate and production strategies within the circular economy are characterized, the main requirements and tasks for the implementation of circular economy ideas at the strategy level are identified. In conclusion, it was emphasized that taking into account the ideas of the circular economy in the corporate strategy of the enterprise is an important driver to ensure the long-term competitive advantage of the enterprise. Although such a transformation poses many challenges and challenges to managers, they can be overcome through sound strategic management decisions.


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How to Cite
Economics and business management