Keywords: knowledge, knowledge management, knowledge generation, knowledge management models, innovation, competencies, intellectualization


The era of intellectual and information economy is filled with new content and revision of technologies and management tools. In this context, the factors of innovative economic development and increasing intellectual potential are changing. Modern challenges raise the issue of finding and rethinking the sources of economic growth and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. As today's successful corporations around the world, which are innovative leaders, are strategically focused on the development of the knowledge economy, the issue of knowledge management is becoming a priority. These issues should be addressed comprehensively, both at the theoretical and practical levels, because only through a combination of theoretical aspects of research with practice, the transformation of knowledge into the intellectual potential of the organization is achieved and its innovative capacity increases. Thus, the purpose of the article is to systematically cover the main aspects of knowledge management in modern reality, which include: ideological, organizational, technological, cultural, institutional, methodological ones. To reveal the content of the article, general methodological approaches were used, in particular, synthesis and analysis, a systematic approach – for an essential understanding of knowledge management as a category and process and a systematic presentation of its main aspects; historical method – to consider knowledge management in the context of the evolutionary development of theories and concepts; generalization – for an objective assessment of the theoretical achievements of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of the outlined problem. Methodological principles of objectivity were also important for the analysis of the subject of research in order to determine the factors influencing the transformation of individual knowledge into collective one and complexity – to reveal the multifaceted aspects of knowledge management and outline new tasks in the context of new challenges. An important result is the development of theoretical approaches to the coverage of the content-functional form of manifestation of knowledge management at all stages of the life cycle through the disclosure of the main aspects of knowledge management. The practical component of the achieved result is aimed at finding effective knowledge management models capable of working in real time, and the creation of intellectual organizations that can combine the formation of new knowledge, smart technologies with the expansion of staff competencies. The practical value of the article is to develop and supplement the provisions aimed at in-depth coverage of the essential understanding of knowledge management and its role in ensuring competitive advantage and innovative economic development. In the applied sense, the described organizational and technological aspects of knowledge management are important.


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How to Cite
Zakharchyn, H., Lyubomudrova, N., & Panas, Y. (2020). MAIN ASPECTS OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 108-112.
Economics and business management