Keywords: fuzzy logic, fuzzy multicriteria analysis, linguistic variables, term-set, internal strategic audit, strategic business unit, Fuzzy AHP, Fuzzy SAW


This article proposes a methodological approach for strategic analysis of the internal environment of a diversified enterprise based on the use of fuzzy-multiple modeling tools. To achieve the set goals the strategic diagnostics methods and fuzzy methods of multicriteria evaluation are used in the work, in particular the hierarchies method analysis in fuzzy formulation (Fuzzy AHP) and Fuzzy SAW. Peculiarities of application of classical internal audit tools (IFEM method, SNW-analysis, IFAS method) and modern models based on FIFEM, FSIF fuzzy logic are analyzed. The developed model contains a diagnostics block of the identified components of functional spheres of the diversified enterprise activity (with application of linguistic estimations on the certain term-set with the subsequent translation into fuzzy numbers in triangulative representation) and the estimation block (meanwhile Fuzzy AHP method is used to calculate the importance of the analyzed areas of activity and their components, and the Fuzzy SAW method – to determine fuzzy integrated assessments of the enterprise internal environment (or its strategic business units – SBU) by functional areas and in general. For defuzzification of fuzzy numbers the method of COA is used (Center Of Area). The information received can be used for comparative analysis of enterprise strategic business units in certain areas, for absolute assessment of the internal environment of each SBU in these areas on a 6-point scale. Thus, this methodological approach allows senior management of strategic business units and the whole enterprise to understand the problems in each functional area, expands the capabilities of strategic diagnosis traditional methods, and is an important tool for preparing strategic decisions using the correlation matrix SWOT-analysis and other methods of portfolio analysis (GE-McKinsey, Shell DPM, SPACE-analysis etc). To apply the proposed method a calculation scheme was developed in Excel, which can be used to transform linguistic estimates of experts into fuzzy numbers written in triangular form with the corresponding membership functions, to calculate fuzzy values of the enterprise internal environment (its SBU) and their defuzzification, as well as to conduct simulation depending on the correction of expert opinions.


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How to Cite
Balan, V. (2020). FUZZY STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF THE DIVERSIFIED ENTERPRISE INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 95-101. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/12.16
Economics and business management