• Valentina Kupriyanova National Aerospace University H.E. Zhukovsky «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»
  • Hanna Shvedova National Aerospace University H.E. Zhukovsky «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»
Keywords: information technology, IT-industry, outsourcing, IT-outsourcing, insourcing, entrepreneurship


The article deals with the current state, tendencies and prospects of development of scientific bases for the development of the Ukrainian IT-industry, taking into account outsourcing processes to improve the image of Ukraine. Is extremely important for the strengthen of the image of Ukraine. In the process of research, the following methods were used in the article: theoretical generalization and comparison, analysis and synthesis, scientific abstraction. Results. The article discusses the development of outsourcing as a phenomenon and forms of cooperation between the companies. The authors examines the concept of outsourcing, its scope of usage, the evolution of usage in the historical aspect. Discusses the concept and features of IT-outsourcing, the selection of IT-outsourcing as an individual category, and the market of IT- outsourcing as particular sphere. Analyzed the features and the main problems of expansion of IT-outsourcing of Ukraine. Promoted methods of improved efficiency for the IT sector of Ukraine, including, equal number of outsourcing services, who can inflate the ability to diagnose and forecast new products, and to get more information about the business. The indicators of proceeds from realization of IT-services in the world market, in particular, a share of outsourcing services in the directions are given. The comparison of indicators of development of IT-sector companies of USA, China and India is given. Based on the analysis, it is revealed that the main consumer of Ukrainian IT-Services is USA. An important role of institutional factor in development of IT-sector companies is outlined. Attention is focused on the fact that the methods of improving the Ukrainian IT-sector efficiency will allow to diagnose and predict their development, more justified to choose instruments what will ensure the growth of economic efficiency in Industry. The research demonstrates that IT outsourcing, especially during crisis periods, is becoming a key stabilizing factor and an important business optimizationsolution, including the cost reduction for maintaining IT-company's.


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How to Cite
Kupriyanova, V., & Shvedova, H. (2020). ANALYSIS AND PROSPECTS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL OUTSOURCING DEVELOPMENT IN THE IT INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 59-63.
Economics and national economy management