• Olena Bohma LLC “Powercode Academy”
  • Vladyslav Savchenko LLC “PowerCode”
Keywords: information, information technology, information technology sector, product, consolidation, macro cluster, cluster approach


The article considers the current state, problems and prospects of development of the IT sector of Ukraine as one of the main potential drivers of growth of the domestic economy. It is established that the domestic IT sector has been developing steadily in recent years, but expert assessments of its growth prospects are ambiguous. In the theoretical and methodological plane, it is revealed that the problems of the IT industry in Ukraine include the dominance of outsourcing companies in the market, the dominance of large players in the market, staff turnover, and competitive advantages, built on low taxes. This allowed to justifying the feasibility of the IT sector development in Ukraine the basis of focusing on the “product”, in which private companies should be actively assisted by the state. Ways of development and increase of competitive advantages by the IT companies of Ukraine on the basis of consolidation on the basis of acquisition or creation of a macro cluster are offered. It was revealed that within the joint efforts in the macro cluster domestic IT companies can implement large-scale projects, in particular, the development and implementation of automated and robotic production systems, improvement of automated control systems, development of production technologies in space, solve educational problems IT. Based on the use of a systematic approach, the main advantages of the cluster approach for the development of the IT sector in Ukraine are systematized, which include building a constructive dialogue between government and business, positive impact on the competitive position of its participants, no restrictions on the number of participants. Sides of the value chain and creating synergies for all participants, high-quality access and exchange of information, significant potential for innovation and their free dissemination through the network of relationships formed within the cluster. It is emphasized that an important step towards the implementation of such a large-scale project as a macro cluster in the field of IT is the establishment in Ukraine in February 2020 of the European Association of Software Engineering (EASE).


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How to Cite
Bohma, O., & Savchenko, V. (2020). IT SECTOR OF UKRAINE: CURRENT REALITIES AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 37-42.
Economics and national economy management