Keywords: cross border cooperation, cross border space, Euroregional cooperation, development of Euroregions, forms of cross border cooperation


In the article there are presented and described the forms of cross-border cooperation in Ukraine: cross-border clusters, cross-border industrial parks/zones, Euroregions, Euroregional cooperation associations, European Association for Territorial Cooperation, cross-border partnership, cross-border trade and cross-border projects. Peculiarities of functioning in cross-border space of Ukraine are distinguished. The advantages and disadvantages of the forms of cross-border cooperation functioning are revealed and the current state of development of cross-border cooperation on the territory of Ukraine is assessed. Undoubtedly, at the moment, cross-border cooperation is a lever for the development of border regions, which in turn creates a favorable basis for solving socio-economic problems that are present in border regions and strengthens Ukraine’s integration processes into the European Union. The analysis of theoretical-methodological and practical aspects of cross-border cooperation and its forms of functioning in the scientific works of native authors was carried out. The study of research also presents the principles, on the basis of which new forms of cross-border cooperation are operating, regulatory and legal framework of their activities. The subjects of cross-border cooperation may be territorial communities, local governments of Ukraine, which interact with the relevant authorities of neighboring states within the agreements on cross-border cooperation. And participants in cross-border cooperation are individuals or legal entities, united territorial communities that are directly involved in cross-border cooperation. Of course, at the moment, cross-border cooperation is a lever for the development of border regions, which in turn creates a favorable basis for solving socio-economic problems that exist in border regions and strengthens Ukraine’s integration processes into the European Union. The purpose of the state policy of Ukraine on the development of cross-border cooperation is to create new forms of cross-border cooperation for more effective functioning and management of the processes of such cooperation. As a result of the research, the authors distinguished the most effective and prospective forms of cross-border cooperation in Ukraine. With new forms of cross-border cooperation in Ukraine can continue develop its border territories, projects and programs are implementing and improving economic relations with neighboring countries and integration processes facilitate including Ukraine in the European Union. Each of these forms has certain advantages and disadvantages, but the prospects for their operation are quite reliable for Ukraine and the development of its regions and border areas.


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How to Cite
Melnyk, O., & Pryveda, R. (2020). FORMS OF CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION IN UKRAINE: STATE AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 30-36.
World economy and international economic relations