• Nataliia Kriuchkova Odesa National University
  • Viktoriia Matskiv Odesa National University
Keywords: transaction costs, state institutions, political transaction costs, state institutional system, domestic transaction costs


One of the important issues of economic development is to determine the ef-fectiveness of the functioning of state institutions, the decisions taken by them and the methods of implementation of these decisions. However, the existing methods of evaluation of their performance are quite subjective and contradictory. It is possible to solve this problem through involving the transaction costs which are the indicator of efficiency of operations. In an economic science the theory of the transaction costs is well enough developed in a context of firm, however their consideration in a context of the state institutes is much rarer. The purpose of this article is the general critical analysis of theoretical and partially empirical achieve-ments in the theory of the state transaction costs. As a result, the main directions of theoretical and empirical studies of the transaction costs, which arise at the level of state institutions, have been revealed. Among them: the question of necessity of existence of the state, distinctions of the state and firm, questions of structure of political system and its change, interaction in the state apparatus connected with delegation of powers, a choice of the mechanism of manufacture of services, prevalence of the transaction costs in the public sector in comparison with private and the reasons of it. The disadvantages are identified, among which are insufficient development of the theoretical base of this theory, in particular, in the issues of defining the essence, types and evaluation of state transaction costs. Most of the studies have disclosed these issues based on the theory of the translation costs in the firm context or ignored. However, there are certain differences between the firm and the state that do not allow for the full adoption of the theoretical foundations of this concept. This does not mean a complete rejection of the achievements of the theory of transaction costs in the context of the firm, but it does imply consideration of the peculiarities of functioning of state institutions. Our research focuses on problem areas of the theory of the state transaction costs and on unsolved issues, which are directed by further research. Filling these gaps will make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of public institutions and identify weaknesses and advantages in the existing system.


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How to Cite
Kriuchkova, N., & Matskiv, V. (2020). THEORETICAL CONCEPTS OF THE TRANSACTION COSTS OF STATE INSTITUTIONS IN ECONOMIC SCIENCE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 14-20.
Economic theory and history of economic thought