• V. Martynenkо National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • V. Usatyuk National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
Keywords: production capacity, multiple linear regression model, estimation, multicollinearity


The article examines the concept of "production capacity", and its calculation method by using mathematical models assessing the impact of each component on the production potential. The object of the research paper is to evaluate the productive capacity of the enterprise. The subject of the study is theoretical, practical and methodocal aspects of the evaluation of the production potential of a business entity. The aim is: to consider, analyze and summarize the impact factor variables on production potential as one of the key indicators of the company. In addition, it is advisable to complete the disclosure of the main objectives of the study to focus also on the impact of selected factors on each other to avoid the phenomenon of multicollinearity in the calculations. To assess the production potential of the company used multiple linear regression model and modern statistical analysis package STATISTICA. The studies degree of dependence between variables in the function of production potential, discovered the phenomenon of multicollinearity between variables, which originated in the evaluation process and the ways waived graphics model.


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How to Cite
MartynenkоV., & Usatyuk, V. (2015). EVALUATION OF PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY OF ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (1), 49-55. Retrieved from http://ei-journal.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/30
Theoretical and empirical research