Keywords: land market, financial and credit policy, credit mechanism, land resources, land reform, land resource potential, land mortgage


The urgency of the research topic is directed at the development of land relations, the introduction of agricultural land market and mortgage lending to agricultural enterprises in the context of modern conditions. In Ukraine, the construction of a system of mortgage lending, which combines elements of one-level and two-level models, is substantiated. The process of market turnover of land assets in the agricultural sector of the economy, a special role belongs to the organized system of mortgage lending. In this regard, after the lifting of the moratorium on the alienation of agricultural land, the institute of land mortgage should take one of the central places in the financing system of the agricultural sector. This raises the importance of the development of the theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of an effective system of land-mortgage lending and regulation of the market turnover of land assets in agriculture. The methodological basis of the research is the assumption of mutual determinism of economic processes, which is realized in the synthesis of analytical achievements of various areas of economic research. On this basis, applied methods and approaches of classical economic theory, the theory of land rent, the theory of value and consumer behavior regarding the market turnover of land assets through the mortgage mechanism, in particular the system approach, the method of analysis and synthesis, design and calculated and experimental. The features of credit relationships between banks and farms, are defined and analyzed the trend in the current state of lending industry. Analysis of the financial stability of banks was conducted and the integral indicator of credit risk on the basis of scoring was calculated. Proposals for the development of credit relations between domestic agricultural enterprises and banks on the basis of positive foreign experience credit for agricultural enterprises were made. Systematized a number of proposals for the implementation of mortgage of land relations on the basis of an objective assessment of the land value, a mechanism of land transfer by landowners as collateral is described. It is proved that an extensive network of specialized state and non-state mortgage structures should be an integral part of the financial services of business entities in Ukraine. The central shareholder of the land-mortgage lending system should be the State Stock Land (Mortgage) Bank. Thus, measures to improve the use of agricultural land should be carried out in conjunction with the improvement of the financial and credit mechanism.


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How to Cite
Kolotukha , S., & Гвоздєй, Н. (2020). CURRENT CONDITIONS DEVELOPMENT OF LAND RELATIONS AND MORTGAGE LOANS OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (11-2), 98-104.
Money, finance and credit