Keywords: tourism, ecotourism, recreation, infrastructure, development, analysis


The article deals with ecotourism infrastructure and its components. The essence of ecological tourism and its peculiarities are determined. The analysis of the availability and functioning of collective accommodation facilities in Ukraine. A key goal of eco-tourism has been established, based on the isolation from urban noise and interaction with the environment in which the ancestors lived. It has been proved that ecotourism plays an extremely important role in the development of the country's economy. Components of ecotourism infrastructure have been formed. The state of the material base of tourism in Ukraine as a whole is analyzed. Problematic aspects of Ukraine's ecotourism infrastructure are identified, based on the underdevelopment of the transport system and road destination tourist infrastructure, and their non-compliance with world standards. An important role in the totality of ecotourism infrastructure is occupied by the accommodation industry, the ability to actually receive tourists in a particular area. In general, the accommodation industry is represented by collective and individual accommodation establishments. Summarizing the study, we note that ecotourism is called tourist visits to small or changed territories with unique natural and historical and cultural resources that meet the key principles of sustainable tourism development, help the socio-economic development of the visitor regions, improve the level of ecological tourism and ecotourism. The development of eco-tourism in Ukraine is a promising way to improve the status of the nature reserve fund and other natural areas. However, there are also important problems in the development of the ecotourism industry in Ukraine, which is the state of ecotourism infrastructure. Key elements of ecotourism infrastructure should not only serve a recreational function, but should also be a driving force in improving the entire socio-economic life of the country. The most urgent problems of ecotourism infrastructure are the underdevelopment of the transport system and the targeted tourist infrastructure, their inconsistency with world standards; the lack of well-maintained roads in rural areas and beyond, as well as the underdevelopment of targeted eco-recreation facilities.


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How to Cite
Bezugla , L., & Ilchenko , T. (2020). ANALYSIS OF ECO-TOURIST INFRASTRUCTURE AND FORMATION OF ITS COMPONENTS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (11-2), 72-77.
Economics of nature use and environmental protection