Keywords: tourism, tourism development, influence factors, competitive advantages, management


Modern tourism is an important factor in the development of civilization, which is subject to the laws and laws of nature and social progress. In a relatively short period of time, tourism has turned from a solitary journey into a mass phenomenon, which has contributed to the development of world culture and economy. The tourism industry, like other industries, operates under the influence of a set of factors that are constantly transforming, changing their direction and power of influence, depending on time, place, form, type, etc. Each factor, more precisely the force of its influence, contributes to the formation of competitive advantages of both the tourist business entity and the region. All of the above determines the urgency, timeliness and objective necessity of developing new approaches to the formation of effective management of innovative development of tourism in the region, including in the sphere of management the factors generated by the systemic properties of tourism, its openness, special links with the external environment, which in in turn, ensure the sustainable functioning and development of tourism in the region. Based on this, the purpose of the article is to develop theoretical and methodological provisions on the systematization of factors for innovative development of tourism in the region. The article summarizes the scientific points of view of the leading economists of the world on the factors of development of tourism in the regional context. The necessity of systematizing the factors of influence on tourism development has been proved. The paper defines a systematic approach key in the development of systematization of factors of innovative development of tourism in the region. When considering the regional system, the effect of factors of innovative development of the tourism sector, as well as their impact on the system are considered in close relationship with the natural and socio-economic conditions. The author's structure of factors influencing the development of the tourism sector is proposed, which is the basis of the mechanism of regulation of innovative development of the tourism industry, which in turn contributes to the definition of the goals of state regulation and priority directions of tourism business development. Thus, the study proved the need to systematize the factors influencing the development of tourism. The author's structure of factors influencing the development of the tourism industry is proposed. These factors form the basis of the mechanism of regulation of innovative development of tourism. The systematic structure of factors influencing the development of the tourism industry contributes to the definition of the goals of state regulation and priority directions of tourism business development.


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How to Cite
Pidvalna , O. (2020). FACTORS OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT: A REGIONAL ASPECT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (11-2), 66-71. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/11.29
Productive forces development and regional economics