Keywords: TQM, social philosophy of management, enterprise, society, social needs, social sphere, efficiency of quality management


The article is devoted to study and implementation of socially oriented philosophy of TQM as an effective way to manage the enterprise, therefore, the topic is relevant. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to determine the social essence of TQM, the principles, features of the social organization of TQM in the enterprise. The social impact on the enterprise, employees, managers, consumers is also highlighted. Therefore, through analysis, synthesis and deduction, the conditions for the introduction of TQM were identified in order to achieve a positive social effect. It was determined that the social philosophy of TQM can be implemented under the following conditions: the focus of all activities of the organization on consumers, the satisfaction of requirements and expectations of which depends on the competitiveness of the enterprise; friendly relations between employees, partnership – with the supplier, which are based on social principles; continuous improvement of production and quality activities; transfer of the main efforts in the field of quality in the direction of human resources (emphasis on the attitude of employees to the case, on the culture of production, on the leadership style); participation of all without exception of the personnel in the decision of problems of quality (quality – business of each worker); continuous training and advanced training of employees of the enterprise; harmonization of the ratio "price-quality-social effect"; providing analysis and validation of quality data through the use of statistical methods. TQM is a social philosophy of enterprise management, which is based on the principles of: customer orientation; leadership; involvement of staff, members of the organization, partners, society; process approach; improving the social sphere; management of the relationship between – consumers and producers. Increase of competitiveness on goods and services on national and international marketswill be possible using theTQM. Provaiding of socially oriented philosophical TQM and methods of management in the field of business improve work not only of small business but social and social sectors at all.


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How to Cite
Khytrova, O. (2020). TQM AS A SOCIALLY-ORIENTED PHILOSOPHY OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT: THE ESSENCE AND CONDITIONS OF IMPLEMENTATION. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (11-2), 56-61. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/11.27
Economics and business management