• Svitlana Dubynina Zaporizhia National University
Keywords: innovative development of industrial enterprise, prime cost, production costs, innovative activity, modernization, automation, investments, innovative products


The purpose of the article is to study the impact of innovative development on the economic performance of an industrial enterprise.The solution of the tasks set in the article is carried out with the help of the following research methods: analysis and synthesis, systematization, generalization, with the help of economic – mathematical models. It is noted that in the conditions of modernity, strategic development of Ukraine, innovative adaptation of industrial enterprises is the driving force of reforming the economic development of the country. Factors of influence on innovative development of industrial enterprises, conditions of formation, efficiency of innovative activity are investigated because innovative activity is scientific and technical progress not only of the enterprises, but entirely of all state. It is determined that innovative development has the greatest sphere of influence and covers not only scientific developments, but also influences production, expansion of technologies, organization of work, marketing activity, the final result of economic activity of the enterprise – profit. Modern industrial enterprises of the country have low intellectual potential as the main component of the ability to generate ideas and implement innovations, technologies, organizations, activation of innovative development. To improve the innovation situation both at industrial enterprises and in the country, it is necessary to introduce investment incentives at the state level, to improve the skills of human resources, to increase export potential. The main indicators of innovation potential and development are analyzed on the example of PJSC "Zaporizhzhya Abrasive Plant" for 2014–2018. The impact of innovation costs on the indicators of economic activity of the enterprise PJSC "Zaporizhzhya Abrasive Plant" was calculated. Emphasis is placed on finding and using at the enterprise more effective methods of estimating the impact of costs on the economic indicators of the enterprise in the implementation of innovative activities. Innovative development is a topical issue in the development of industrial enterprises. Suggestions are made on the effectiveness of financial indicators of the enterprise in the implementation of innovation activities, namely through the production of innovative products, the introduction of new technologies, the creation of automation of mechanization, retraining and training of qualified personnel and more.


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Economics and business management